Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


  • Workbook pages 162 & 163 - submit to Canvas
  • Spelling City Activities
  • Test Friday


  • Take Conversions of Measure Quiz in Canvas
  • Finish Conversions of Measure Slides
  • Upload work from the week into Canvas 
  • finish all work and get caught up!  


Vocabulary: Study Vocabulary List #3 using Quizlet & SpellingCity. Test Friday!

Read Tuck Everlasting- Chapters 17 & 18

Work on the Tuck Everlasting Comprehension Questions for Chapters 12-19Due Friday by 5 p.m.

Remember- work on your Book Report that is due May 4th and your Reading Log that is due May 5th as time allows.

Social Studies

Review that Study Guide to get ready for the DC test!!!


Enter the Week 6 Crossword words into Canvas!

Tests and Quizzes

  • Unit 24 - Spelling Test Friday
  • Vocabulary List #3 Test Friday
  • DC test on Monday 5/4/2020

Important Announcements