Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020


  • Scan & Upload workbook pages
    • 158-159
    • 160-161
    • 162-163
  • Spelling City Activities
  • Test Friday


  • Scan & Upload workbook pages
    • 34-35
    • 36
  • Scan & Upload EP pages
    • 171
    • 172
  • Scan & Upload Conversion Slides


  • Work on your book report that is due Monday
I am still receiving questions about the information I posted and emailed you about on Tuesday, so I don't know how many of you read the revised book report instructions. I have included them below. This information is in the Book Report Module. The schedule and outline will be found in the Book Report Module.
 Revised Book Report Instructions

Genre: Biography or Autobiography
Monday, May 4th:  ALL summaries and creative ideas are due on this date.

Do not email your written report or creative idea to Mrs. Hudson! 
Learn how to submit your work to Canvas.
(Watch the video in Mrs. Brailer's Technology class. Go to Technology class, click on Announcements, and Click on the "ScannerPro Canvas Submission Walkthrough" announcement. From there, you will see how to submit a file.)
May 4th-8thPresentations. Please see the revised presentation schedule to find out when you will present your book summary. If you are absent on your presentation day, then your presentation will be due during the next Zoom call.
Because you are presenting during the Zoom call, you will share only the written book report. You will submit your creative idea to Canvas, or drop off your creative idea with your imagery project by May 6th. All presentations should be under 5 minutes.  It is important that you rehearse and time yourself in preparation for your presentation.
Book Report Creative Ideas
A timeline is not an option for this report. You may use a creative idea you have used in the past.
  1. Design a map of the area where the person’s life takes place. Make sure to include a scale and legend. The finished product should be on poster board and fully colored. You may include computer images. Take a picture or scan and submit to Canvas->Book Report Module: Creative Idea by May 4th. 
  2. Write five journal entries from the point of view of the person in the book. The journal entries should give a glimpse of the person’s life, and there should be five entries in all. The journal entries should be neat and written in cursive so that you can display them proudly. Take a picture or scan and submit to Canvas->Book Report Module: Creative Idea by May 4th. 
  3. Write a news article about one important event in the person’s life that answers: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Pretend you are a newscaster and give us the information in a “live” news broadcast. The news article should be typed to look like a newspaper article and should include one image of the person. Send as a PDF to Canvas-> Book Report Module: Creative Idea by May 4th. 
  4. Make a slide show using Keynote or PowerPoint about one particular time in the person’s life or a major accomplishment. You should include 5-7 visually appealing slides that contain information that was NOT explained in your summarySend as a Keynote or PDF to Canvas-> Book Report Module: Creative Idea by May 4th. 

Social Studies

Continue reviewing the DC Study Guide in Canvas to prepare for next week's test


  • Complete the SSW Week 6 Animal Behavior assignment in SpellingCity
  • Complete the SSW Week 6 Animal Behavior Crossword and put the answers into Canvas

Tests and Quizzes

  • Unit 24 - Test Friday
  • Vocabulary List #3 Test Friday
  • Washington, D.C. test next week (Monday or Tuesday)

Important Announcements

The only piece of today that is not flexible is morning meeting Zoom scheduled for 9:00 with a special area teacher. See Thursday's email or announcement in your Homeroom class. 

Zoom today at 9 a.m. with a Special Area Teacher. 
To find special area class assignments: click on the announcements from your Canvas dashboard. Special area teachers will post assignments there.
Specials Day Checklist

9:00 Zoom: Zoom with a Special Area Teacher

9:30-10:00: Click on your music class and complete assignments.

*You have one week to complete assignments (by May 7th at 9 am)
      Log onto Canvas and open the announcement: Music Assignment for Thursday, April 30.
       Click on Week 5 Directions and watch the directions video.
      Watch Lesson Video: Instrument Family Overview.
      Answer questions on Week 5: Instrument Family Quiz.
      Optional Extension: Students can visit Mrs. Cushing's YouTube Playlist for more music class activities.
      Optional Enrichment: Students can visit The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra Game or visit the New York Philharmonic KidZone to visit the Instrument Locker Room or play games like Instrument Frenzy, Music Match Instruments, or Make Your Own Instrument (some games work better on the computer, rather than a tablet or phone).


10:00-10:30 Click on your technology class and complete assignments.
*You have one week to complete assignments (by April 30th at 9 am)
      Type 15 – 20 minutes every weekday
      Do some coding weekly
      Watch the How it’s Made Segment (Optional)
      Scanner Pro Tutorial

10:30-10:45 Take a break.

10:45-11:15: Click on your PE class and complete assignments.

*You should be checking in at least 4 out of the 5 days with Coach B, letting her know about your physical activity.
      Log onto Canvas and open the announcement: Fitness Bingo
      See How many ways you can get Bingo over the next week
      Make sure to turn in PE game assignment it is Due May 7th
      Continue to get your hour of physical activity in each day

11:15-11:45: Click on your Spanish class and complete assignments.
*You have one week to complete assignments (by May 7th at 9 am)
      Watch the video reviewing the basic sentence structure in Spanish and the adjectives.
      Complete at least 1 of the following 3 worksheets
      Take a selfie and describe yourself using the attached script. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective making sure it matches the subject!

11:45-12:15: Click on your art class and complete assignments.

*You have one week to complete assignments (by May 7th at 9 am)
       Log onto canvas. Open Art tab.
       Read the instructions for the FOUND OBJECT ART.
      I want this to be an ORIGINAL work so do not just COPY the ideas from the examples.
      Please take your time and show off your creative thinking skills.
      Your artwork may be drawn, painted, sculpted, collaged, etc.
      Take a photograph and summit on canvas. 

WIN time:  Use your afternoon to work on the following:
  • Finish anything from earlier this week that is incomplete.
  • Study for your spelling and vocabulary tests
  • Read

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


  • Workbook pages 162 & 163 - submit to Canvas
  • Spelling City Activities
  • Test Friday


  • Take Conversions of Measure Quiz in Canvas
  • Finish Conversions of Measure Slides
  • Upload work from the week into Canvas 
  • finish all work and get caught up!  


Vocabulary: Study Vocabulary List #3 using Quizlet & SpellingCity. Test Friday!

Read Tuck Everlasting- Chapters 17 & 18

Work on the Tuck Everlasting Comprehension Questions for Chapters 12-19Due Friday by 5 p.m.

Remember- work on your Book Report that is due May 4th and your Reading Log that is due May 5th as time allows.

Social Studies

Review that Study Guide to get ready for the DC test!!!


Enter the Week 6 Crossword words into Canvas!

Tests and Quizzes

  • Unit 24 - Spelling Test Friday
  • Vocabulary List #3 Test Friday
  • DC test on Monday 5/4/2020

Important Announcements

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


  • Workbook pages 160 & 161 - submit to Canvas
  • Spelling City Activities
  • Test Friday


  • Workbook pages 34 & 35
  • Zoom to complete workbook page 36!
  • Upload work into Canvas
  • Work on Conversion slides x 3 - Due Wed. 
  • Extra Practice page 171 - submit in Canvas 


Click on Discussions to find the "Drink the water?" discussion question. Submit your response and respond to at least one other student. You may have to return after others have had an opportunity to respond. 
VocabularyStudy Vocabulary List #3 using Quizlet & SpellingCity (Test Friday, May 1st.) 
Read Tuck Everlasting- Chapter 16
Optional: Enrichment Opportunity- Read more about Natalie Babbitt's life. (Enrichment 3)
Optional: Click on Discussions to find the "Favorite Oak Hall Lower School Memory" discussion board in the Just for Fun module. This discussion board will remain open as long as it serves the purpose of helping students brainstorm ideas for their upcoming writing assignment. 
Remember- work on your Book Report that is due May 4th and your Reading Log that is due May 5th as time allows.

Social Studies

Continue to review D.C. Study Guide in Canvas


Read SSW Life Science Week 6 Animal Behavior and follow directions in email and in Canvas announcements

Tests and Quizzes

  • Unit 24 - test Friday
  • Washington D.C. test Monday May 4th

Important Announcements

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020


  • Watch Unit 24 - Review video in Canvas
  • Do workbook pages 158 & 159
  • Spelling City activities
  • Test Friday


  • Watch Conversions of Measure Videos in Canvas
  • Attend today's Zoom as I am teaching LIVE!
  • Download slides to Notability
  • HW: Extra Practice page 171


Sign in to Clever, then go to BrainPop. Complete the Capitalization Assignment. (This is the movie and review quiz.)

VocabularyStudy Vocabulary List #3 using Quizlet & SpellingCity (Test this Friday, May 1st.)

Read Tuck Everlasting- Chapters 14 & 15

Remember- work on your Reading Log that is due May 5th and Book Report that is due May 4th as time allows.

Social Studies

Go to Canvas and follow instructions under assignment"Study Guide for Washington, D.C.  test scavenger hunt"


Begin reading SSW Life Science Week 6 - Animal Behavior

Tests and Quizzes

  • Unit 24 - Review Test Friday 5/1
  • Vocabulary List #3 Test Friday 5/1

Important Announcements

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Today's To Do List 


  • Finish Spelling City activities for Unit 23
  • Take Unit 23 Spelling Test
  • Submit workbook page 157
  • All Units 20-22 are reopen in Spelling City for you to finish your activities or take tests. Due Sunday


  • Do Decimals in D.C. - Miles & Souvenirs. (submit into Canvas by Sunday)


VocabularyPrint, Write, and Study Vocabulary List #3 using Quizlet & SpellingCity (Test Friday, May 1st.) 
Read Tuck Everlasting- Chapters 12 & 13
Remember- work on your Book Report that is due May 4th and your Reading Log that is due May 5th as time allows. 

Social Studies

  • Work on Science assignments


  • Complete the assignments from earlier in the week.  
  • All are due Friday, 4/24 at 3:00 PM!

Tests and Quizzes

  • Take Unit 23 Spelling Test and any past spelling tests in Spelling City 
  • Vocabulary List #3 Test Friday, May 1st 

Important Announcements

Please remind your parents to email your baby picture to Mrs. Hite!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020


  • Finish Spelling City Activities
  • Unit 23 Test Tomorrow. 


  • Submit D.C. Expenses: Food by 3pm in Canvas. 


Work on your book report that is due May 4th.
Read, and fill in your reading log. 

Social Studies

  • Complete Science assignments


  • Complete Animal Kingdom and Earth Day assignments from this week 

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Thursdays will be days dedicated to special area classes in fourth and fifth grade.   Please see the checklist below for activities. The times listed below are intended for those who have asked for a schedule to follow. If you would prefer not to follow the schedule, please feel free to complete activities from special area classes today at a time that is convenient for you and your child. 

Each of the special area classes has a class in Canvas, and each class will post assignments under announcements. The only part of today that is not flexible is morning meeting Zoom scheduled for 9:00 with a special area teacher.

Please see the email or announcement from your Homeroom teacher regarding today’s Zoom.  
To find special area class assignments: click on the announcements from your Canvas dashboard. Special area teachers will post assignments there.
Specials Day Checklist

9:00 : Zoom with your special area teacher.  

9:30-10:00: Click on your music class and complete assignments. 
*You have one week to complete assignments (by April 30th at 9 am)
      Log onto Canvas and open the announcement: Music Assignment for Thursday, April 23.
      Click on the Week 4 Directions page and watch the directions video.
      Watch the video on "Superheroes and Superstars." 
      Answer questions on Week 4: Superheroes and Superstars Quiz.
      Optional Extension: Students can visit Mrs. Cushing's Youtube Playlist for more music class activities.
      Optional Enrichment: Students can visit Little Kids Rock or the Chrome Music Labs spectrogram.


10:00-10:30 Click on your technology class and complete assignments.  
*You have one week to complete assignments(by April 30th at 9 am)
      Type 15 – 20 minutes every weekday
      Do some coding weekly
      Watch the How it’s Made Segment (Optional)
      Scanner Pro Tutorial

10:30-10:45 Take a break.

10:45-11:15: Click on your PE class and complete assignments.
*You should be checking in at least 4 out of the 5 days with Coach B, letting her know about your physical activity.
      Log onto Canvas and open the announcement: Create Your Own PE Game
      Then click on Assignment: PE Game
      This Assignment is due May 7th
      Continue to get your hour of physical activity in each day

11:15-11:45: Click on your Spanish class and complete assignments. 
*You have one week to complete assignments (by April 30th at 9 am)
      Our new theme is describing people and things using adjectives in the correct form.  
      Watch the funny video and read the supporting worksheet with the vocabulary. 
      Complete 1 activity.
      You can take a funny selfie of yourself and describe it!  Use the vocabulary sheet paying attention to the expressions you soy (I am) vs. yo tengo (I have).  Record your sentences. No less than 6 sentences  
      Take a funny video of yourself and describe.  Use the vocabulary sheet paying attention to the expressions you soy (I am) vs. yo tengo (I have).  No less that 6 sentences

11:45-12:15: Click on your art class and complete assignments. 
*You have one week to complete assignments (by April 30th at 9 am)
      Log onto canvas. Open Art tab.
      Watch/read my instructions located on Canvas.
      Link to Henri Matisse artist study. This is a continuation of the artist study from last week.
      This week you are to create a fishbowl painting in the colorful painting style of Matisse. Please take your time making sure to fill the entire page.
      Take a photograph and summit on canvas.

WIN time:  Use your afternoon to work on the following:
  • Finish anything from earlier this week that is incomplete.
  • Submit Decimals in D.C. – Food Expenses Quiz
  • Study for your spelling test
  • Read