Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November 7, 2018


Unit 11 Test on Friday 


Unit 3 Test next week 


Shurley Grammar

Social Studies

Review TFK for Friday's quiz
Social Studies test next week on Lesson 7 pgs. 93-105



HIPPO HW due Friday

Tests and Quizzes

TFK Quiz Friday
Unit 11 Spelling Test Friday
Unit 3 Math Test next week
Lesson 7 Social Studies test next week

Important Announcements

Math and Science Night - 11/13 from 6-7:30
Veterans Day Assembly 11/12 at 1:30- make sure you know your lines!  Wear a red, white or navy shirt that day.
Interims go home next week!

Please return the Hansel and Gretel permission slip ASAP!