Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018




Shurley Grammar

Social Studies



Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Happy Halloween!

Please check, sign, return Wednesday Folders!

Math & Science Night November 13th ; 6:00-7:30

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018



Two sided sheet on adding mixed numbers.  Show your work!  


Unit 6
20 minutes of reading :)

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies

Practice your script for the Veteran's Day assembly.

Kelly: Read Lesson 7: Section 2 and 3



Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Please check your email regarding items your child signed up to bring in for the Halloween party.

Halloween Party Tomorrow! Be at school by 8:20 so you are here for the 8:30 parade.  Bring a uniform to change in to.  

Monday, October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018


No Spelling this week 


Fraction Worksheet- 2 sided- show your work and simplify  


Unit 5
20 minutes of reading :)

Shurley Grammar

Curtis and Kelly: CP 19

Social Studies

Practice your script for the Veteran's Day assembly.

Kelly and Curtis: Read Lesson 7: Section 1 "The New England, Middle, and Southern Colonial Regions" pgs. 93 and 94 



No Hippo HW 

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Please check your email regarding items your child signed up to bring in for the Halloween party. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

October 26, 2018



Sheet on adding and subtracting fractions- SHOW YOUR WORK!

DynaMath due Monday

Look over Prac B pg. 60 in textbook. To be completed Monday in class. Refer to the word problem sheet from class when looking over the word problems. 


SSS Unit 4
20 minutes of reading :)

Shurley Grammar

Kelly: CP 18

Social Studies

Practice your script for the Veteran's Day assembly. 



Please get notebooks signed by Monday.

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Please check your email regarding items your child signed up to bring in for the Halloween party. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 25, 2018



Sprint Sheet on Adding Fractions-show your work


SSS Unit 3
20 minutes of reading 

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies

Edit/Correct Veteran Day Slides - Send to Ms. Kelly in Powerpoint (Not PDF)  



Organize Notebook

Pgs. 38-41 due Friday

NO HIPPO HW this week

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 23, 2018



Sprint Worksheet

DynaMath due October 29th


Read for at least 20 minutes

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies

Submit your slide to your teacher by the end of the day for the Veterans Day assembly. (email or canvas depending on teacher)



Pgs. 38-41 due Friday

NO HIPPO HW this week 

Tests and Quizzes

No Time for Kids Quiz this week

Spelling Test Friday 

Important Announcements

Fly Up Day Tomorrow! Be at school before 8:30.

Please be sure to bring lunch or order ahead of time -

Students will be in the middle school until 2:45.  

Friday, October 19, 2018

October 19, 2018



EP pages 59 and 60 and pg. 62
Look over Practice A pg. 57 in textbook.To be completed in class on Tuesday.  The only word problem that will be model draw is number 7.
DynaMath due October 29th 


SSS Unit 2
Read for at least 20 minutes

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies



Finish science vocabulary word picture by Tuesday.

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Monday is Conference Day--No Classes

DynaMath due October 29th

Please ask your child to show you the book report presentation schedule and packet

Thursday, October 18, 2018

October 18, 2018


Study for Unit 10 Test 


Kelly- WB pgs. 46-49

Curtis + Hudson - EP pgs. 57 & 58

DynaMath Due October 29th 



Shurley Grammar

Kelly: CP 17

Social Studies

Work on Veteran's day slides

Read/review TFK for Friday's quiz 



Study for test!

Kelly/Hudson-Work on Study guide to help you study for the test. Extra credit on the test will be given to students that turn in a completed study guide on test day.

Hippo HW - "Theme Park Engineer" (Due Friday via Canvas)

Tests and Quizzes

Hudson / Kelly - Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Friday

Spelling Test and Time for Kids Quiz Friday

Important Announcements

DC Form from Wednesday folder due by October 26th

If your parents were unable to come to the DC meeting last Wednesday or would like to listen to the meeting again, here is the link to the video:

You can wear your carnival shirt tomorrow with uniform bottoms.  Students will be dismissed at 3:15 for carnival.  If your child is a patrol, he/she will still have patrols in the afternoon. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October 17, 2018


Pg. 74 


Read EP pgs. 51-56 have signed by a parent

DynaMath Due October 29th 



Shurley Grammar

Curtis: Finish CP 17
Hudson: None
Kelly: None

Social Studies

Work on Veteran's day slides

Read/review TFK for Friday's quiz 



Study for test!

Curtis- Work on Study guide to help you study for the test. Extra credit on the test will be given to students that turn in a completed study guide on test day.

Hippo HW - "Theme Park Engineer" (Due Friday via Canvas)

Tests and Quizzes

Curtis - Science Test on Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Thursday

Hudson / Kelly - Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Friday

Important Announcements

DC Form from Wednesday folder due by October 26th

If your parents were unable to come to the DC meeting last Wednesday or would like to listen to the meeting again, here is the link to the video:

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16, 2018


Pg. 72


- Complete circled problems on textbook pgs. 49+50

- Part 2 of Unit 2 test on Wednesday on pgs. 43-48 in textbook


Shurley Grammar

Social Studies

Continue to gather images for your powerpoint!

Read/review TFK for Friday's quiz 



Hippo HW - "Theme Park Engineer" (Due Friday via Canvas)

Study for Test on Thursday! 

Tests and Quizzes

Second half of Unit 2 Math Test on Wednesday

Curtis - Science Test on Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Thursday

Hudson / Kelly - Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Friday 

Important Announcements

DC Form from Wednesday folder due by October 26th

If your parents were unable to come to the DC meeting last Wednesday or would like to listen to the meeting again, here is the link to the video:

Monday, October 15, 2018

October 15, 2018


Complete pgs. 70 and 71 


Kelly and Hudson: Circled problems on pgs. 47-50 (pg. 50 is model draw) in Extra Practice

Curtis- Page 50 in Extra practice Model Draw

-Look over practice D pg. 48 in textbook to be completed tomorrow in class

-Part 2 of Unit 2 test on Wednesday on pgs. 43-48 in textbook 


Finish Wonder Packets and review for test

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies

Continue to gather images for your powerpoint!
Read/review TFK for Friday's quiz 



Hippo HW - "Theme Park Engineer" (Due Friday via Canvas)

Workbook pages 10-17 Due Tomorrow

Tests and Quizzes

Wonder novel test Tuesday

Second half of Unit 2 Math Test on Wednesday

Curtis - Science Test on Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Thursday

Hudson / Kelly - Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Friday 

Important Announcements

DC Form from Wednesday folder due by October 26th

If your parents were unable to come to the DC meeting Wednesday or would like to listen to the meeting again, here is the link to the video:

Friday, October 12, 2018

October 12, 2018



Complete Workbook pages 39 and 40 if they were not completed in class

Curtis-  Complete EP pages 47-49 Show your work 


Work on your Wonder Packets

Shurley Grammar

Chapter 3 Test on Monday

Social Studies

Continue to gather images for your powerpoint!



Hippo HW "Save the Bees" - Due Friday via Canvas

Get Notebooks signed by Monday 

Tests and Quizzes

Wonder novel test Tuesday

Second half of Unit 2 Math Test on Wednesday

Science Test on Science Equipment and Theory Vs. Law on Thursday

Important Announcements

DC Form from Wednesday folder due by October 26th

If your parents were unable to come to the DC meeting Wednesday or would like to listen to the meeting again, here is the link to the video:

Thursday, October 11, 2018

October 11, 2018


Unit 9 Spelling Test Friday


Division Homework Sheet 


Study Vocabulary for the test tomorrow

20 minutes of reading!

Shurley Grammar

Hudson: Finish CP 15
Chapter 3 Test on Monday 

Social Studies

Continue to gather images for your powerpoint!

Review Time for Kids for Quiz Friday



Hippo HW "Save the Bees" - Due Friday via Canvas

Get Notebooks signed by Monday 

Tests and Quizzes

Wonder Vocabulary Test on List #6 has been moved to this Friday

Unit 9 Spelling Test Friday 

Shurley Chapter 3 Test on Monday 

Test on the novel Wonder on Tuesday

Second half of Unit 2 Math Test on Wednesday 

Important Announcements

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October 10, 2018


Unit 9 Spelling Test Friday

pgs 67-68


Division Sheet

Second half of Unit 2 Test on Wednesday 


SSS Unit 17

20 minutes of reading!

Shurley Grammar

Chapter 3 Test on Monday 

Social Studies

Continue to gather images for your powerpoint!

Review Time for Kids for Quiz Friday


Complete Spanish Study Guide- Tomorrow!
Kelly and Hudson: Quiz tomorrow 


Hippo HW "Save the Bees" - Due Friday via Canvas

Tests and Quizzes

Spanish Quiz during the next Spanish class (Kelly and Hudson tomorrow)

Wonder Vocabulary Test on List #6 has been moved to this Friday

Unit 9 Spelling Test Friday 

Shurley Chapter 3 Test on Monday 

Second half of Unit 2 Math Test on Wednesday 

Important Announcements

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 9, 2018


Complete pg. 66
Unit 9 Spelling Test Friday  


Complete Division Sheet 


SSS Unit 15

20 minutes of reading! 

Shurley Grammar

Kelly: Ch3 Checkup 15

Social Studies

Continue to gather images for your powerpoint! 


Complete Spanish Study Guide-Quiz during your next Spanish class 


Hippo HW "Save the Bees" - Due Friday via Canvas

Tests and Quizzes

Spanish Quiz during the next Spanish class

Wonder Vocabulary Test on List #6 has been moved to this Friday

Unit 9 Spelling Test Friday 

Important Announcements

DC Parent Meeting October 10th 11-11:30 in Ms. Hudson and Ms. Curtis's rooms

Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018


Complete pages 64-65


Kelly and Hudson-Complete workbook pgs. 35+36 - Please show work!

Curtis- Complete EP pgs. 45 and 46

Graded assignment tomorrow on multiplying by a 2 digit number.


SSS Unit 15

Reading for 20 minutes 

Shurley Grammar

Curtis - Finish CP13 

Social Studies

Work on finding pictures for your military research  slides


 Begin preparing for Spanish quiz with study guide 


Hippo HW - Due Friday via Canvas 

Tests and Quizzes

Wonder Vocabulary Test on List #6 has been moved to this Friday

Important Announcements

DC Parent Meeting October 10th 11-11:30 in Ms. Hudson and Ms. Curtis's rooms

Friday, October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018



Complete textbook pg.43 through #4
Complete Sprint Sheet 


SSS Unit 14

20 minutes of reading

Students should access vocabulary on SpellingCity by using the Clever Login

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies



Hippo HW (Due Friday via Canvas)

Final Draft PB &J Monday

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

DC Parent Meeting October 10th 11-11:30 in the multi-purpose room

Thursday, October 4, 2018

October 4, 2018


Study for Spelling Test tomorrow! 


Review EP pages 33-34


SSS Unit 13

Read for 20 minutes 

Shurley Grammar

Kelly-Classroom practice 14

Social Studies

Time for Kids quiz tomorrow! Review articles 



Hippo HW- Due Friday via Canvas

Final Draft PB &J Monday

Tests and Quizzes

Important Announcements

Unit 8 Spelling Test Friday 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 3, 2018


Complete pg. 62 


Study for Unit 2 test pages 29-41.  Review Unit 1 for review section of the test. 


Finish the Vocabulary Puzzle in Wonder Packet #5.

Read for 20 minutes 

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies



HIPPO homework- Due Friday

Tests and Quizzes

Vocabulary Test on Wonder List #5 tomorrow
Unit 2 Math Test on pages 29-41 as well as review questions from Unit 1
Unit 8 Spelling Test Friday 

Important Announcements

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October 2, 2018


Complete pg. 60 


Complete review packet for test on Thursday on pg. 29-41. There will be review questions from Unit 1!


SSS Unit 12

Read for 20 minutes 

Shurley Grammar

Social Studies



Hippo HW - "Reversing Extinction" - Due Friday via Canvas

All classes - Final PBJ Recipe due Monday

Workbook pgs. 22-27 due Wednesday 

Tests and Quizzes

Thursday - Math Test over pages 29-41
Vocabulary Test on Wonder List #5--Thursday
Unit 8 Spelling Test on Friday

Important Announcements

Bring back Wednesday folders as they will go home tomorrow to be signed!

October 10th DC Meeting 11- 11:30 in the multi-purpose room

Monday, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018


Complete pgs. 58+59

Unit 8 Test Friday 


Kelly and Hudson-Finish word problem packet

Curtis- Complete Extra Practice pgs. 39-41

Look over Practice C pg. 41 in textbook - to be completed tomorrow in class

Math test Thursday on textbook pgs. 29-41 


SSS Unit 11

Read for 20 minutes!

Shurley Grammar

Kelly- Classroom Practice 13

Social Studies



Hippo HW - "Reversing Extinction" - Due Friday via Canvas

Curtis - Final PBJ Recipe due Monday

Workbook pgs. 22-27 due Wednesday 

Tests and Quizzes

Math Test Thursday on material from pages 29-41. There will also be review questions from Unit 1.
Vocabulary test on Wonder list #5 (Thursday)

Unit 8 Spelling Test on Friday  

Important Announcements